Peer-reviewed journal article
Peer-reviewed proceedings chapter
Peer-reviewed proceedings chapter
Berger, S. & Neitsch, J. 2023. Investigating and comparing remote recording methods. In: O. Niebuhr & M. Svensson Lundmark (eds), Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Prosody Conference: Applied and Multimodal Prosody Research (pp. 200-211), Sonderborg, Denmark. Warsaw: Sciendo/de Gruyter, doi: 10.2478/9788366675728-017.
Peer-reviewed book chapter
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2023. Digitale Hate Speech. In: Sylvia Jaki, Stefan Steiger
(eds.): Die Erforschung geschriebener und gesprochener Hassrede im Deutschen: bisherige Erkenntnisse zu Prosodie und Kontext. Springer Nature.
Peer-reviewed journal article
Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch, J. 2022. The truth below the surface: towards quantifying and understanding the evaluation of German and Danish hate speech with EEG biosignals. Journal of Speech Sciences, 11, e022004-e022004.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2022. Research on rhetorical devices in German: About the what and how – the use of rhetorical questions in sales presentations. Journal of psycholinguistic research. Springer Nature. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10936-022-09874-8)
Peer-reviewed book chapter
Neitsch, J., Niebuhr, O. & Kleene, A. 2021. What if hate speech really was speech? Towards explaining hate speech in a cross-modal approach. In: Wachs, Sebastian, Koch-Priewe, Barbara, Zick, Andreas (eds.): Hate Speech–Theoretische, empirische und anwendungsorientierte Annäherungen an eine gesellschaftliche Herausforderung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, Germany, 105-135.
Peer-reviewed book chapter
Neitsch, J. & Marinis, T. 2020. The prosodic Mapping of Irony in German Rhetorical Questions. In M. Elmentaler & O. Niebuhr (eds.): An den Rändern der Sprache. Peter Lang, Berlin, Germany, 147-179.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Niebuhr, O., Brem, A., Michalsky, J. & Neitsch, J. 2020. What makes business speakers sound charismatic? - A contrastive acoustic-melodic analysis of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. In M. Oliveira, Jr. & O. Niebuhr(Eds.): Cadernos de Linguistica e Teoria da Literatura, 1(1), 1-40. (PDF version)
Niebuhr, O., Neitsch, J. & Michalsky, J. 2020. Laut. Stark. Lautstark. – Die Macht des Charismas und seine akustische Essenz. DEGA
Akustik Journal (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik eV.). Ausgabe: Juni 2020, 7-22. (PDF version)
Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2020. Are Germans better haters than Danes? Language-specific implicit prosodies of types of hate speech and how they relate to perceived severity and societal rules. In Proceedings of the 16th edition of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Shanghai, China, 1843-1847.
Neitsch, J., Barbosa, P. & Niebuhr, O. 2020. Prosody and breathing: A comparison between rhetorical and information-seeking questions in German and Brazilian Portuguese. In Proceedings of the 16th edition of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Shanghai, China, 1863-1867.
Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch, J. 2020. Digital Rhetoric 2.0: How to Train Charismatic Speaking with Speech-Melody Visualization Software. In: Karpov A., Potapova R. (eds.) Speech and Computer (SPECOM) 2020, 12335, Springer, Cham, 357-368.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2020. On the role of prosody in the production and evaluation of German hate speech. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Tokyo, Japan, 710-714 . (PDF version)
Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch, J. 2020. Assessing hate-speech perception through bio-signal measurements: A pilot study. In Proceedings of the Biosignale 2020, Kiel, Germany, 66-67. (PDF version)
Neitsch, J. 2019. Who cares about context and attitude? Prosodic variation in the production and perception of rhetorical questions in German, Dissertation, University of Konstanz, Department of Linguistics, Konstanz, Germany. (PDF version)
Peer-reviewed journal
Baumgarten, N., Bick, E., Geyer, K., Lund Iversen, D., Kleene, A., Lindø, A. V., Neitsch, J., Niebuhr, O., Nielsen, R. & Petersen, E. N. 2019. Towards Balance and Boundaries in Public Discourse: Expressing and Perceiving Online Hate Speech (XPEROHS). RASK – International journal of language and communication, 50, 87-108. (PDF version)
Braun, B., Dehé, N., Neitsch, J., Wochner, D. & K. Zahner. 2019. The prosody of rhetorical and information-seeking questions in German. Language and Speech 62(4). 779-807. (PDF version)
Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2019. Types of hate speech in German and their prosodic characteristics. In Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS), Sonderborg, Denmark, 85-87. (PDF version)
Barbosa, P., Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch, J. 2019. Revisiting rhetorical claims of breathing for persuasive speech. In Proceedings of the 1st Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS), Sønderborg, Denmark, 103-105. (PDF version)
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2019. How prosody and context shape the acoustic nature of rhetorical questions in German. In Proceedings of the 1st Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (SEFOS), Sønderborg, Denmark, 53-55. (PDF version)
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2019. Questions as prosodic configurations: How prosody and context shape the multiparametric acoustic nature of rhetorical questions in German. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Melbourne, Australia, 2425-2429. (PDF version)
Kügler, F., Baumann, S., Andreeva, B., Braun, B., Grice, M., Neitsch, J., Niebuhr, O., Peters, J., Röhr, C. T., Schweitzer, A., Wagner, P. 2019. Annotation of German Intonation: DIMA compared with other systems. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Melbourne, Australia. 1297-1301. (PDF version)
Peer-reviewed conference contribution
Neitsch, J., Braun, B. & Dehé, N. 2018. The role of prosody for the interpretation of rhetorical questions in German. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Posen, Poland, 192-196. (PDF version)
Peer-reviewed conference contribution
Wochner, D., Schlegel, J., Dehé, N. & Braun, B. 2015. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in German; In Proceedings of the 16th edition of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Dresden, Germany, 987-991. (PDF version)
conference contribution
Schlegel, J., Egger, S. & Braun, B. 2014. Representation of German binomials: Evidence from speech production. In Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech
Production (ISSP). Cologne, Germany, 387-390. (PDF version)