Scientific Symposia & Workshops

23 February 2021

Online workshop on Data wrangling & reproducible reports with tidyverse and R-Markdown, DGfS, Kyla McConnell, Julia Müller, and Giulia Grisot.


January 2021

Online workshop on LaTeX für Studierende und Wissenschaftler, Dr. Joachim Schlosser.


24 June 2020

Symposium on What means hate speech? Network meeting of the Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen (“New German Media Makers“) for the exchange between science, politics and civil society as part of the No Hate Speech Movement in Berlin. Invited talk. Germany.


11-13 March 2020

Workshop on Biosignals, Kiel University, Germany.


18-19 Feb 2020

Workshop on Measurement of speech respiration and speech preparation phases, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.


7 - 10 Jan 2020

Workshop on Programming online surveys. SDU, Odense, Denmark.


21 Oct + 19 Nov 2019

Workshop on Writing Research Grant Proposals. SDU, Odense, Denmark.


29 July - 2 Aug 2019

Workshop on Measuring Charismatic Expression: Towards an Integrated Perspective from Cultural and Cognitive Studies, Zif, Bielefeld, Germany.


10-21 Sept 2018

19-21 Sept 2018 DIMA VIII (Deutsche Intonation – Modellierung und Annotation), University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.


5-7 April 2017

Workshop on Statistical analysis of linguistic data with Harald Baayen, Jacolien van Rij, Vincent Porretta, University of Konstanz, Germany.


29-30 March 2017

DIMA VII (Deutsche Intonation – Modellierung und Annotation), University of Cologne, Germany.


21 March 2016

DIMA VI (Deutsche Intonation – Modellierung und Annotation), University of Stuttgart, Germany.


6-9 Sept 2016
Summer School on Prosody: Methods in Prosody and Intonation Research: Data, Theories, Transcription. Aix-en-Provence, France.