Neitsch, J. 2023. Symposium: Mental Strengthening: What I have learned from my illnesses and crises. 9th Psychological World Congress on Mind training for Excellence in Sport & Life, November 02-05, Würzburg, Germany.
Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch, J. 2021. How deeply does hate speech get under your skin? Biosignals as a new means of measuring hate-speech perception, Linguistic and Social Aspects of Hate Speech in Modern Societies Conference, March 22-23, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch, J. 2021. The new "Speaker" - Enhancing persuasiveness through the assessment and training of vowel pronunciation and acoustically projected body height, Interfaces of phonetics, May 18 - 19, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2021. Vergleichende Evaluierung geschriebener und gesprochener Hate Speech: Ergebnisse einer linguistischen Datenanalyse zum Deutschen, Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Hate Speech und ihre Erkennung (IPHSE), February 8, University of Hildesheim, Germany.
Neitsch, J. 2020. Input: Zur Bewertung von Hassrede: Was meint Hate-Speech? Online network meeting of the Neuen deutschen Medienmacher*innen (“New German Media Makers") for the exchange between science and politics as part of the No Hate Speech Movement, June 24, Germany.
Neitsch, J. 2019. The Prosodic Realisatoin of Rhetorical Questions in Investor Pitches. Workshop on Measuring Charismatic Expression: Towards an Integrated Perspective from Cultural and Cognitive Studies, July 29-august 2, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung,(Zif), Bielefeld, Germany.
Neitsch, J. 2019. The prosody of emotions in rhetorical questions in German. I Congresso Brasileiro de
Prosódia, November 4-8, Campinas, Brazil.
Neitsch, J. 2019. Die Identifizierung von rhetorischen Fragen im Deutschen: Die perzeptuelle Relevanz von Tonhöhenakzent, Stimmqualität und der Diskurspartikel denn, May 23, University of Göttingen, Göttingen.
Neitsch, J. 2019. Towards Balance and Boundaries in Public Discourse: Expressing and Perceiving Online Hate Speech (XPEROHS), May, University of Campinas, Brazil (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RId4wIJAeA).
Berger, S. & Neitsch, J. 2022. Investigating and comparing remote recording methods, Nordic Prosody Conference, August 17-19, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2021. The perception and evaluation of written and spoken hate speech in German. Paper presented at AILA, August 15-20, Groningen, the Netherlands.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2021. Cross-modal and cross-linguistic effects in hate-speech perception, 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), June 28-July 2, Zürich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2021. Types of hate speech: How speakers of Danish rate spoken vs. written hate speech, Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), June 21-23, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch, J. 2021. How deeply does hate speech get
under your skin? Biosignals as a new means of measuring hate-speech perception. Linguistic and Social Aspects of Hate Speech in Modern Societies, March
22-23, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2020. Are Germans better haters than Danes? Language-specific implicit prosodies of types of hate speech and how they relate to perceived severity and societal rules. Paper presented at the 16th edition of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Shanghai, China.
Neitsch, J., Barbosa, P. & Niebuhr, O. 2020. Prosody and breathing: A comparison between rhetorical and information-seeking questions in German and Brazilian Portuguese. Paper presented at the 16th edition of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Shanghai, China.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2020. Hassrede und ihr direkter Einfluss auf die menschlichen Biosignale. Paper presented at Phonetik und Phonologie (P&P2020), Sept. 10-11, University of Trier, Germany.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2020. On the role of prosody in the production and evaluation of German hate speech. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Tokyo, Japan
Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch, J. 2020. Assessing hate-speech perception through biosignal measurements: A pilot study. Paper presented at Biosignal Workshop, Kiel University, Germany.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2020. The prosodic characteristics of different types of hate speech in German. Paper presented at ROPH, Aarhus, Denmark.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2019. The production of hate speech in German. Paper presented at SEFOS, Sønderborg, Denmark.
Barbosa, P., Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch, J. 2019. Revisiting rhetorical claims of breathing for persuasive speech. Poster presented at SEFOS, Sønderborg, Denmark.
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2019. How prosody and context shape the acoustic nature of rhetorical questions in
German. Poster presented at SEFOS, Sønderborg, Denmark.
Niebuhr, O. & Neitsch. J. 2019. Raise your skills, then raise your voice Comparing speech-melody visualization tools for acoustic leadership training. In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Teaching for Active Learning, Odense, Denmark. (poster)
Neitsch, J. & Niebuhr, O. 2019. Questions as prosodic configurations: How prosody and context shape the multiparametric acoustic nature of rhetorical questions in German. Poster presented at ICPhS, Melbourne, Australia.
Kügler, F., Baumann, S., Andreeva, B., Braun, B., Grice, M., Neitsch, J., Niebuhr, O., Peters, J., Röhr,
C.T., Schweitzer, A., Wagner, P. 2019. Annotation of German Intonation: DIMA compared with other systems. Paper presented at ICPhS, Melbourne, Australia.
Neitsch, J. 2019. The interpretation of rhetorical questions in consideration of the interplay between prosody, context and lexis. Paper presented at ABRALIN 50 Conference, Maceió, Brazil.
Neitsch, J., Braun, B. & Dehé, N. 2018. Identifying rhetorical questions in German: the perceptual relevance of pitch accent type, voice quality and the discourse particle denn. Poster presented at Labphon 2018 (listed as alternate paper). Lisbon, Portugal.
Neitsch, J., Braun B. & Dehé, N.. 2018. The role of prosody for the interpretation of rhetorical questions in German. Poster presented at Speech Prosody, Poznań, Poland.
Neitsch, J. 2018. The prosody of rhetorical questions in German in consideration of context. Poster presented at Meaning in non-canonical Questions-Workshop, University of Konstanz, Germany. (poster)
Neitsch, J., Wochner, D., Zahner, K. & Dehé, N. 2017. Who likes liver? How German speakers use prosody to mark questions as rhetorical. Paper presented at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. University of Cologne, Germany.
Kusterer, M., Neitsch, J., Braun, B. & Dehé, N. 2017. Interpreting rhetorical questions: The influence of pitch accent type, voice quality
and the modal particle “denn”. Poster presented at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. University of Cologne, Germany.
Wochner, D., Schlegel, J., Dehé, N. & Braun, B. 2015. The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in German. Poster presented at INTERSPEECH 2015. Dresden, Germany.
Schlegel, J., Wochner, D., Braun, B. & Dehé, N. 2015. The prosody of
rhetorical questions in German. Poster presented at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Cambridge, England.
Wochner, D. & Schlegel, J. 2015. The prosody of rhetorical questions. Paper presented at the 37. annual conference of
DGfS (AG6), Leipzig, Germany.
Schlegel, J., & Egger, S. 2014. Mit Kind und Kegel ins mentale Lexikon: Eine Untersuchung der Speicherung und Produktion deutscher Paarformeln. Poster presented at
the 10th Conference of Phonetics and Phonology in the German-speaking area (P & P 10), Konstanz, Germany.
Schlegel, J., Egger, S. & Braun, B. 2014. Representation of German binomials: evidence from speech production. Poster presented at
the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP). Cologne, Germany.